self preservation through love ♡︎


Here you will find all things media related, from video games, to anime, movies, anime-movies, books, manga, music, shows, articles, youtube stuffs, and anything else really! It's a long list of things you'll find here. And there's also cute bunnies! I may also post some reviews on here to some things. No promises though. I'm either a great critic or a terrible one and there's no gurantee when I'm which.

You can click either the photo or text to get where you wanna go. I originally only did text without thinking and was an idiot and clicked on the photo and wondered why it didn't do anything... So yeah, I edited that.

If you see the gif, that means the page hasn't been finished yet and the link won't go anywhere. Check back later for the page. Of course I'll add a notice in the updates section on the homepage for you.


My favorite movies. I only watch action pretty much, with some comedies. No chick-flicks here. I feel like a lot of the movies that I adore are the ones that nobody knows, which is a real shame, so I added some of those in here. I was a bit indecisive if I should put anime movies in this category or in the anime category. I chose this category. By far my favorite movie studio is Studio Ghibli. I grew up on that stuff. The first movie I ever saw in the theaters (that I can actually remember) was Ponyo when I was around 6 years old. Ponyo is still my favorite movie to this day.


A collection of my favorite shows. I have a lot of shows that I've watched, primarily action-oriented ones. But there are also a few that are more realistic/drama-y. Keep in mind that a lot of these have sexual things or violence or straight up gore-y stuff in them. Do research before watching and make sure it's something you wouldn't mind seeing. My favorite show out of these is Bob's Burgers to give you an insight on my tastes.


Oh yeah, anime. My dad is an anime fanatic (though he only watches dub lol) and got me hooked on anime since I was but a little girl. And also Toonami. Good old Toonami. It's a core memory of staying up in the living room (there was a phase I had where I refused to sleep anywhere but the living room because my bedroom tv didn't have cable). It was always my favorite time of the night when cartoon network went off and adult swim came on (why was it made like that though lol every kid had access to it cuz of that). And Saturday's were the best because Toonami came on with the best anime. The first anime I watched was Soul Eater.

video games

Just like with anime, my dad got me into video games when I was young. I was around 4 when my dad put me in his lap and had me destroy a tower of some sort for him, winning the game. It was a small moment but I still remember it from when I was that young. One of the earliest memories I can still remember (I have memory issues lol). I played mostly MMO's when I was little but I play a little bit of everything nowadays from FPS, TPS, MMOs, RPG, TTRPG, MOBAs, story games, and everything in between. And yes, I still play Papa's Donuteria. My favorite game OAT is Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines and also Final Fantasy XIV.


Yes, my dad influenced my music as well lol. In fact we basically listen to the same shit. Metal, nu-metal, rock, grunge, punk, and a bit of deathmeal in there too. The only difference is I also like indie, goth, and japanese-pop/rock. I think the strangest genre of music I've gotten into is called shoegaze. Idfk who named it that but those youtube playlists titled shoegaze songs hit. Especially before going to bed. I also like gothic music, like Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, The Cure, She Wants Revege, and the like. I also like OST's, electronic, EDM and things. But I CANNOT STAND pop or country.

books & manga

Webtoons/comics included. Probably the only thing that wasn't influenced by my dad. He is allergic to reading books. I, however, enjoy fantasy and young adult novels. I feel as though my reading hasn't expanded that much however so I put manga in the same category to try and fill up the page more. I have been checking out books from my public library but I'm not always consistent in my reading. I will check out a new book every month and then go into a reading drought for 2-3 months. I'm even slower when it comes to reading manga and I have only finished a couple all the way through (to be fair, manga are very lengthy. At least the ones I'm reading are.) I'm also very picky when it comes to reading manga. I only read the manga of anime's that I thought were amazing and need more conent of.

youtube things

My favorite YouTube series, whether it's animations or let's plays or whatever else, and video essays/documentaries about various topics. There's a bit of a range of things here, but you'll mostly find documentaries and lore videos/essays about Final Fantasy XIV because that game has some of the best lore. Oh, there's also my favorite Dungeons & Dragons/Vampire: The Masquerade/TTRPG campaigns. Just a variety of stuff I like from YouTube that I feel like I have to share with anyone that cares. It's easily accessible and I reccomend checking this stuff out.


Here is where I will post any reviews of the aforementioned categories above. I think I'm pretty shit at making and giving reviews but I'm gonna leave the option open for myself. I basically put mini-reviews in all of my entries anyway but I suppose this would be good for things I try for the first time that are popular. And if they're shit I can trashtalk them here. *cough* Genshin Impact *cough*. Possibly expect some unpopular opinions.


This layout was constructed using sadgrl's layout builder because I love shortcuts and doing less work.

None of the photos belong to me. I just edited that shitty green filter on them.

All of the little bunny graphics and the construction/back button I got are from Betty's Graphics. They have an amazing collection of graphics for your site, probably one of the best sites for graphics that I've found and they're neatly organized into categories and sub-categories.